"We gain nothing by believing that heaven 'thinks and acts' in complex ways. It is far better, and more effective, to learn to think the way heaven does - in simple and eternal truths."
--Caroline Myss
From page 61 of Anatomy of the Spirit
Copyright (c) 1996 by Caroline Myss, Ph.D.
I've thought about the way I write my messages and I've thought that perhaps they should sound more sophisticated (It's that "war of words" going on again.). Then I realize that you won't understand the message any better if it is written in a more sophisticated way. Keeping it simple is the only way it will work. I also feel I'm promoting "eternal truths" when I write about "Love" and "Peace". If we don't focus on it, it will not happen. So this message is about "Peace" because Spirit won't settle for less. This is what my Automatic Writing told me on March 6, 2003.
Subj: Automatic Writing 03-06-03
Date: 3/6/2003 11:11:42 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: DCaris99
To: DCaris99
(What is going on?) You are hearing what is NOT going on, Dixie. It is a few days from the past that proceeded with the war. It is different now! We won't let them go to war. They are trying to do this to protect others from finding out about the Stargate passage that is made when time travel occurs. That is time travel as you know it in your time frame. We are sorry you must go through this but it is part of what happens during this time frame to make people realize there is no tomorrow. There is only the NOW and that has to be shown this way. You are a courageous soul for transferring to this time frame. It is not pretty but it has to be experienced by many in order to understand what is going on out there. There are many of us that have come to bring this planet to its knees during this time frame to make humans realize what is truly going on in your world. They won't want to see what they are seeing but it is necessary to get this world back on track investigating SPACE.. It is about time that you all woke up to make sure we have future lives. You will see, Dixie.
There is much going on at this moment and it is to wake this world up to what is important in their lives. You WILL see Dixie. Yes, go back to the George Noory show and hear what is being said. We love you, Dixie.
Your Guides, your Angels, the Light/Shining Beings of PLANET X as well as all others. Christ and Quan Yin with GOD the Energy of Love The following is another author's version of what God is saying to us.
"Be proud. You are not the momentary whim of a careless creator experimenting in the laboratory of life. You are not a slave of forces that you cannot comprehend. You are a free manifestation of no force but mine, of no love but mine. You were made with a purpose.
Feel my hand. Hear my words.
You need me.. . and I need you.
We have a world to rebuild.. and If It requireth a miracle what is that to us? We are both miracles and now we have each other."
--Og Mandino
From page 101 of "The Greatest Miracle in the World"
Copyright (c) 1975 by Og Mandino
With Peace and Love from the Messenger ....... Dixie |