Here again I'm feeling COMPELLED to write Message # 7. That's what I told Stephen Simon when I explained why I wrote information about Spiritual Cinema that he can use as his mission blossoms. I was somewhat confused when Richard Unger (Director and founder of the International Institute of Hand Analysis) analyzed my hands and told me I'm a workaholic and that actually I am a spiritual workaholic. Now I understand why I feel COMPELLED to do something sometimes.
I keep asking myself why other people are not seeing what I'm seeing happening all over this Earth? Maybe you each are in your own way. I have to remember that each person sees things differently. That's what Judith Sherven, Ph.D. & Jim Sniechowski, Ph.D. write that happens to all relationships in their book entitled Be Loved For Who You Really Are. They give four passages of a loving relationship. "In the beginning of love, you are gifted with the First Passage which is A Glimpse of What is Possible (Two Become As One) and you experience the promise of something altogether greater than you've ever known. That vision recedes, replaced with the testing ground of the Second Passage which is The Clash of Differences (One Becomes Two). The clash gives way to the transformational dialogue of The Magic of Differences (Two Becomes Three) in the Third Passage. They tell about how an entirely new and wondrous dimension opens in your being together. Now by the Fourth Passage is The Grace of Deep Intimacy (Three Becomes as One), you have learned to integrate one another's distinctiveness into the larger experience of your being together so that there is a grace in the oneness of your two different lives." In Chapter 15 they tell you about The Principles: The Dance of Differences (Principles of Magical Romance). Then in Chapter 16 they tell you about The Payoff: Free to Be You (Everyday Life Becomes Romantic).
This is a beautiful and very practical book about your romantic relationships. If you are going into one, you are in one now, you've been in one for many years (this includes marriage as well as being single), this is an incredible book that tells you how to find a lasting love, maintain that lasting love, yet not give any part of yourself up in doing that.
I would hope that my readers would see some possibilities for gifts and buy their book Be Loved For Who You Really Are, and/or their other books The New Intimacy, and Opening to Love 365 Days a Year.
Now I want to bring this back to all Time Travelers that are my readers. While this is a wondrous book to help you turn a relationship into a beautiful spiritual journey, we should all look at this as turning our world into a beautiful place to live. We can apply all four of these passages to how we can change the entire world. The cover of the book says "How the differences between men and women can be turned into the Source of the very best romance you'll ever know." Now if I change a few of the words, it could say "How the differences of countries in this world can be turned into the Source of the most peaceful world you'll ever know."
1. The First Passage is A Glimpse of What is Possible. That would be a New Earth or a New World that we can all dream about having in the future.
2. The Second Passage is The Clash of Differences. All countries and groups of people are separate and distinct. The problems that come about do not produce peace and tolerance.
3. The Third Passage is The Magic of Differences. Would you like all people on this Earth to be exactly like you? When we let them be who they are and not want them to be exactly as we are, then the Dance and Magic of Differences plays out as the Dance of Peace and the Magic of what a Peaceful world would bring to us.
4. The Fourth Passage gives us The Grace of Deep Intimacy. We become One with God/Love. We have the foundation of Grace, we have an aspect of the Miracle, we are forgetting to be the intolerant humans, and therefore we "surrender, surrender, surrender". The payoff is living in a world that lets us be who we are without anyone trying to change us. That brings a world of Love, Peace, Harmony, Joy, and God/Love.
The Time Travelers Judith and Jim give us some wondrous advice in Be Loved For Who You Really Are. On page 246 they write about The Wonder of Being Human. "There is so much more going on in this life than meets the eye. When you listen to your intuition, you feel it. When you notice the rich fabric of coincidence, you see it. When you love with all your heart, you embody it."
Then they write about A Foundation of Grace. "As you move into The Fourth Passage, what has been the experience of practical spirituality in your everyday relationship is transforming into a profoundly transcendent experience of grace. Grace suggests Divine intercession, as in 'by the grace of God', but it is grounded right here on Earth."
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." --- A quote from Marcel Proust in Be Loved For Who You Really Are
Love and Peace from The Messenger ....... Dixie |