Time Travelers Message #12
— Saving our Future —
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What the Time Travelers and Indigos have and are bringing to this world is a power and freedom that mankind has never experienced. The Internet is a way that has allowed the Time Travelers and the Indigos to accomplish their mission to bring this Earth to the long awaited pathway that includes the Earth becoming a more Spiritual Being. That allows all of us to live more viable lives on Future Earth.

Since we were introduced to the concept of time travel when we saw the movie Back to the Future, it's time for people to realize that almost 5000 years into our future there are expert Time Travelers that have a project to come back to the current Earth's time frame and save their own future lives. We ARE those future expert Time Travelers. It's just that we have played our roles so well that most of us don't have the memories of being on Future Earth nor the project that we initiated and are now accomplishing. That's what my individual mission or life purpose during this time frame is all about. I'm a natural born librarian and information giver. I am the receiver and transmitter of what comes to me either technically through my Automatic Writing or just the energy of Love/God ideas that are transmitted to me as this is happening. Now I have started sending a third group the Time Travelers Messages, and I enjoy the wonderful feeling inside me.

If we had not had the generations of Beatniks. and then Hippies, this project could not have been accomplished. The Beatniks and Hippies brought a new way of thinking to this world because they are the Time Travelers from Future Earth. Please don't think that you had to have been a Hippie or a Beatnik to be a Time Traveler. I'm telling you how certain generations and their belief systems changed this world. Those generations were shocked that there wasn't more love and understanding and tolerance in this current time frame. That's why they were focused on a civil rights agenda that brought the NAACP and Peace Corps into existence. We have made a lot of difference in this world because the world is intermixing so beautifully without the old prejudices being brought forward from generation to generation. I was called the "Hippie rebuilder" and now I understand why my Spiritual Committee as well as the Light/Shining Beings of PLANET X gave me that name.

Well, I have other things to do in building a new life for myself and actually all Time Travelers. We all need to learn patience due to this current Earth's focus on "time". Just remember that we all chose to do that when we volunteered to become a member of the Time Traveler Project. I have many more messages to give you so believe me when I write that I'll be with you Somewhere in Time.

"Intuition is that still, small voice inside of you. It's your inner wisdom that can help you deal with anything from health issues to relationships to death and dying." --- Judith Orloff, now a board-certified psychiatrist, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA, and author of Second Sight and Dr. Judith Orloff's Guide to Intuitive Healing: 5 Steps to Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Wellness. She was a speaker at the Palm Springs Prophets Conference I attended.

Love and Peace from the Messenger ....... Dixie